Being Different

Being Different : Human Design Informed Therapy

Do you understand who you truly are — for yourself? What if nothing is ever wrong with you?

We are not here to heal the wound, but to accept and acknowledge - it’s ok to live with what we have. The idea of healing is not to fix ourselves, but understand your true nature while coming to a sense of unconditioned acceptance.

Human Design Informed Therapy is designed to empower and educate you to understand how you have been conditioned to become who you are. It offers a new perspective for you to know your unique self that can liberate you to live your own truth.

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1:1 sessions

Experience your healing journey through the power of self-awareness education — choose from introductory Human Design overview, specialized therapeutic sessions, and/or bespoke mentoring immersions.

I facilitate the sessions using my own experiential realization, integrating the Human Design system with Somatic modalities, and my unique filter of who I am in relation to who you are in this individualised one-on-one self-discovery journey.

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Video + audio resources

A selection of free educational resources curated for anyone on the path of learning the Human Design system.

I love sharing the Human Design system as an empowering tool for the collective to learn for themselves. Born with undefined ego centre, it never made sense to me how and why the world quantifies and measures contributions using money as the sole currency. I love doing what I do, sharing what I love is beyond measure, with satisfaction as my currency of exchange.

I wish that there was no cost of entry for learning innovative knowledge like the Human Design system. Then there could be perhaps less hierarchical conditioning for knowledge being used as power for controlling what’s never controllable in the experiential journey of being a human being.I

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